Lost the period lost the pain

Hey there!

Hope u had a wonderful sunny week as we had here in Prague.

Firstly I d love to start with my very own topic – my period .. what else – so yep I lost it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

I cannot say how happy Im, you do not know how it feels. Or maybe u do, if u really do Im so happy for u as well. So I was trying to be 80% positive for liquid diet and 20% was the rest like salads, soups or fruit and sometimes I must confess I had tortilas, nachos, beautiful lovely raw dishes from Secret of Raw @ Prague, seafood, yes u hear me well ( my body craves for seafood and fish when PMS is coming so that if I dont get it I could kill ) and of course I had loaaads of dark chocolate .. and few bites of Lindt coconut one .. ehm . BUT! Who gives a *hit when u r about to lost that pain thatΒ tightens u all those years ? So what happened basically was the fact that I was not pregnant ( lucky me ) but I just did not see it coming at all and one day I felt that pressure at my lower tummy, mostly the same pressure and a bit of pain when I have my menstruation. It lasted for couple of days and my belly was again big as 6 month pregnant BUT I did not bleed and that pressure was only a tender pain so I mean c moon this is heaven. It lasted for 4 days and it is GONE! Plus yep I did felt PMS so if we count that then yep it may be more than just 4 days. So I had all the symptoms but no bleeding, very little pain, only pressure and PMS plus crazy hormones. My doctor told me that it happens and in my case it is the best thing that could happen to me and I totally agree with her πŸ˜‰ I know that there might be some people that would say that it is not healthy etc. but trust me, that torment that I had for more than 15 years was unhealthy and abnormal …. now I feel like a real person πŸ™‚ hope it will be better and better

Im healthy and happy

So here is some liquid yummy deliciousness

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and here are some salads – that tomato puree is from our organic lil farm from Slovakia, the greens and parsley as well, chopped dried tomatoes are from Italy πŸ™‚ with stir veggies mixed together

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that white mayo is not soy mayo !!!! it is made from red turkish lentil !!! 100% organic and it cost only 30 Czech Crowns which is 1,20EUR!!!!! I ll make some update about this product later on, coz there r more than just this one .. πŸ™‚

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and yes here are some inspo from our models

Dora @ Paris


Rebeka @ Hradec Kralove


Johana K @ Prague


Paulina @ Tai Pei


OH and I almost forgot, if u like hooping as I do, you can join these cool girls @ Prague. I ll come as well and I bet it is gonna be huge fun and calorie burning stuff.

u can find all info hereΒ https://www.hula-hoop.cz/

Be good and have a good sex if u r not allowed to do it yet – then eat delicious food πŸ™‚

Full moon means no yoga

Hi everybody ( if there is somebody who actually reads this stuff ).

Yesterday was full moon and acrobatic yoga instructors cancelled the yoga class coz they said that when it is full moon u shouldnt be doing yoga at all. Quite new thing to me so I was like OK next week we ll rock it again. So no acrobatic moves for me this week. But I have been hoola hooping, getting tanned and eating good food/drinking good and sometimes shitty wine, so I still remain here as a healthy person πŸ™‚ But what concerns me the most is that I did not get my period :)))))) nope Im not pregnant, I just have the sympthoms but no bleeding at all. And I feel soooo good and calm at some point happy. I think that body banking and shiatzu massages plus mostly liquid raw food diet helped me to get to this point and Im so gratefull for that.

So what was I eating and what I was avoiding is very simple : 90% of liquid stuff which means lot of juices, smoothies, tea, water and sometimes warm veggie soup and those 10% was basically fresh salads or some pattes. Or dark chocolate.

Plus I have found some super cool cute fancy pink packed corn crackers at Bio Letna !!! The packaging was so adorable that I just had to grab one πŸ™‚ Plus I got lil gift from a friend – a young coconut full of coconut water. OMG. I was happy. Still didnt drink it but I ll do so tomorrow morning for break fast.

Plus I quite started to like adding beetroot juice into my frozen babana smoothie which colors it pink and it tastes even better than it looks. Have a look at thos masterpieces πŸ˜€

Seaweed salad with veggies of the left, veggies and beans and YES KETCHUP on the right

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oh yes, new swimsuits πŸ™‚ gotta rock that on a beach or even if not beach than just at my balcony

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shopping haul πŸ™‚

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dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, ruccola and corn salad

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corn crackers πŸ™‚ with lil duck and young coconut with a smile, the guy who drew it is quite a talented artist πŸ˜›

plus a classic frozen bananas, chia seeds, beet root syrup or juice

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hope some of it makes u feel grab some fresh fruit and eat it immediatelly or it is just a bit of inspo for u

be good and healthy and dont take diet pills :PPP


Acrobatic Yoga etc.

Hi fellas,

hope u had a lovely spring time meanwhile it is shitty weather in Prague but still spring time. No more coats and more runners on the sidewalks … and me hoola hooping at Letenske Sady so if u see a lil girl with black n white jack russel spinning the hoola arround her waist that d be probably me .. but Im not lil girl I just look like that .. forget to trick me. Anyway Im still seeing my masseur master who does body banking and shiatzu massage which quite helps me in the matter of my period and sctratching the walls from the pain. And also Im trying to speak to my body kindly, sounds crazy I know but Im giving it a pleasure at any level so hopefully it will strike back the ame kindness whan the time comes.

Soo Im trying to eat liquid stuff to get my body prepared for a dissaster that will come soon and Im attending “punk acrobatic yoga” at PUNKTURA ( Zizkov, Prague 3 ) which is super cool – very acrobatic couple yoga excercises. Stretching your body into a new level and then hard working out for two hours!!! I mean 2 hours of instance acrobatic moves. Those who are more chill outers concerning to yoga u might stay at home. But those who like to jump, stand on your head, keep the balance, lie on the partner that holds you his/her feet in the air then well, this might be somethin’ for ya.

I personally d love to know like avery f.ckin pose. I must admit I did all of those they wanted me to do so Im soooooooo proud of my self ( I did first 4 pics in here ) and I hold a 70 kg man on my feet !!!!!!!!! I rock I know .. just kiddin πŸ™‚

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So yep, my health issues got better a bit after those tortures at body banking and shiatzu massage and I think that the spring time helped me as well to keep in shape ( mind n body ). The rest is on me, I got the tools how to deal with it and how to behave when In in pain so I just need to restart my thinking and try to be more positive on psyche level. Coz I have met quite a lot women who have the similar problem and I think that it is worth investing money into alternative medicine than crying out loud in the corner and complaining.

Anyway no more blah blah blah from me, here are some nice yummy things in my life that are better than .. hm .. chocolate or good coffe. Not better as a smile from a stranger that will remain stranger or will become someone in your life .. Dont let the people criticise you what u eat and how u eat … eat what u love and love what u eat.

I looooove frozen bananas, spinach, chia seeds blueberry smoothies !!! Like the one here

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blueberries, strawberries and bannanas are good frineds so keep em together. πŸ™‚

Ok then

see u arround

with all my love ( if there is any left πŸ˜› )


U gotta be soft my dear

Hi fellas, hope u had a lovely week. I was running arround like a crazy daisy but I survived. Anyway, I had my body banking again back on Thursday and the day after I got my super cool friend over – menstruation – or let’s say my period … blabla I got said too much abt it BUT I must confess the pain was still there but not that much intense and it did not last that long as usual. anyway I still did no get rid of that fake pregnant belly while the period, but it may seems that body banking helps to heal the pain a bit πŸ™‚

anywayyy I was drinking a loooooots of water and juices soo quickly so I could not make a pic of it πŸ™‚ but I got some nice banana, spinach smoothie here, some mashed baby food or how to call it … no sugar just pure fruit, and of course some green dinner – broccoli, peas and greens with carrots, I steamed it for 3 minutes coz I was lusting for more warmer dinner than raw one, shame on me πŸ˜›

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I do not eat my cat !!! πŸ˜›

Oh and I almost forgot, the body banking guy told me : Mimi u r soo taugh, very strong, athletic person, can handle everything and deal with shit of everyday life like Β stroking a feather BUT if u really wanna get rid of that pain and fake pregnancy belly u gotta be more soft, u gotta find your inner women ish thing inside u … sooo Im trying to find some … blew . I know Im pretty strict on myself, on the others and on my work but I know that I do it for some meaning and purpose, but maybe he is right and Im just too much stressed, not streched and I need to be softer.

If u guys have the same problem, do not be ashamed of it, just spread the word and if u like more of my vegan plant based diet ( hign carb low fat ) let me know I ll try not to eat it before I can shoot it πŸ™‚

have a beautiful week and be good

Another week with bruises

Hi dear fellas,

hope u had a beautiful week, but I wouldn’t believe it straight away – coz none of us got it perfect – even those orthodox raw foodists with spiritual jing jang karma blah blah blah .. I mean I love raw food, but no extreme is good .. πŸ™‚ Sooo I saw my “body banking massage guy” last Thursday again and it was SOOO PAINFULL that I litteraly thought that people on the street would had called the police. Me screaming from insane pain is like killing a lion. OH. I got used to the pain for my whole life but this is waaauww. He said that I m the only one that is in this extreme pain ( or maybe he wants to kill me, rape me and then burry me half alive !!! – nope just kiddin ) and he mentioned that the bigger the pain the bigger the psyche problem – put simply : the more stress I have and the more stress, pain and anger I HIDE or let’s say I pass it over the bigger the pain in my muscles and nerves. That it is like a sponge ( BOB ) πŸ™‚ soaking all the shit and nerves in and then spit it out which = my menstruation πŸ™‚ YEEEY such a lovely friend of mine .. So I survived another 90 minutes with this killer of mine that might heal me one day and I got bruises all over the back, my stomach and my ASS!!!!!!! I couldn’t sit on my ass so I was always outside hoola hooping, jogging or jumping with skipping rope. Yep lucky me to live a meter from Letna Park in Prague πŸ™‚ anyway, Im expecting the red monster to come this week so I have decided to take it slowly last week so I was eating one proper meal a day and the rest were jars of fresh smoothies or juices, but from tomorrow I have to be on liquid only, coz then when it comes, my pain is insane and I dont think I’d stand it anymore. BUT – I will be eating soups, I love soups, end of story!

Here are some nice smoothies or juices I made recently

juice from blue grapes !!!!! sweet as heaven actually very very sweet

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that green jar is bannana, spinach, spirulina and kiwi πŸ™‚ that yellow one is pineapple and orrange

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and here we have apple and celery


one more thing : we work for a company that we r shooting products – food – for fliers and catalogues. and sometimes u can buy something for a very low price coz the market does not want it back after the shooting, and voila here is the HUGE JAR of COCONUT OIL for 30 Czech crowns ( 1,10 EUR ) cool yeah ? I have more bargain stuff to show u later


and the guard of my office space ! πŸ™‚


so yeah, be good, be healthy and for those who are modelling, plese keep in shape and do not eat those burgers, fries and nutella .. c mon it goes into your ass, waist n hips. the rid of that shit

πŸ™‚ M

Psyche is the master

Hi guys,

hope u had a lovely Easter and u r back on track. I was travellin to Slovakia and once again I had huge stomach ache as usual – when I travel to my hometown it is just like this. I bet it is the nerves. Of course .. then I got my period again, after just 8 days I stopped blleding from one I had another one – yeeeeey happy hippo πŸ™‚ IRONICALLY and Im being sarcastic .. I thought I d jumped out of the window. I belly got into the pregnancy fit shape and I could not bear it anymre. The hormones, the nerves, the tears, the physicall condition etc. So I left Slovakia and got back to Prague where it lasted for 9 days πŸ™‚ … 9 days !!!! With the belly bigger than me and swollen legs I had to be locked in my apt and watch the people out there enjoying the sunshine. Coz I just cant co exist with any other human beiing when Im at this stage. So I went to my doctor (Β http://www.psychosomatic.cz/cz/mudr.-helena-maslova ) told her the same shit Im telling u and she was just worried the same as I was. Coz my super cool friend – my period – just comes earlier and more freequently than it is expected for a normal human being. I know that im not an ordinary woman, but why this ? … Sooooo she told me many things and once again she repeated that it is all in my head and the stress and pain I had gone throught when I was a kid keeps down there in my tummy and it reacts like this. Oh, God has a merci. When I was leaving the office she gave me a business card of a guy who does those chinesse massages and body banking telling me that I should see him as well. So I did. He has his little massage room just 100m from my appartment πŸ™‚ and what he did ? after all of those body bankings – which hurts like hell but nothing can be compared to my period – and massages, he told me the same thing as my doctor. And u know what happened when I left his room and went home ? I stopped on the street and cried like insane infant all the time. I could not stop. All of those shits were coming out of my body and I had to release them. Today, my body was back on track, same lean, tinny, athletic. For few minutes it got back to pregnancy one coz I was working out with skipping rope and hoola hooping but it might be ok tomorrow, I hope, if not Im really jumping from my window. Sooo what I wanted to say is : no matter what I put in my mouth, which super organic creams and lotions I will use, how many fruit I will eat – when I wont change my mind and past I will get to that window and jump one day…After all, my homework is to get in touch with my parrents and people that hurt me somehow to get the forgovness and peace to avoid another stress and nerves that would go directly to my lower tummy and cause this shitty 3 times a month period all over again !!!!

OK so here is something that I ate and I really loved it, I bought some strawberries, raspberries, mint, nettle to add summer ish flavor to my smoothies. Yayyy:)

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So hope u had a much more better Easter than me

be good πŸ™‚

btw : this is body banking :

51483-808375 bankovanie Cupping therapy, woman removes cups from the patient's back

Salad a day keeps doctor away

Hi fellas,

hope u had lovely start into the week. The weather is quit coocoo coz it was rainin, snowin and sun shinin 2day at Prague. I was quite moody and my mind went like up & down. So the food I chose. I did not know what to eat, when to eat and how to eat it with – sticks or cuttlery or just hands .. yep April is comin …

So I made some fresh smoothies – the thing I like to add in a smoothie is vegan sorbet, it s really cool for the thickness and the flavor of the smoothie then. Or if u have u can add frozen fruit of course. And yep I do add chia seeds in juices or smoothies so the tecture is quite jelly – ish. So here are some I have made recently

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I chose to do some very simple salads, guite green, not so much of color πŸ˜€

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this is steamed kale, broccoli and artichokes with chilly sause + spicy soy mayo and black sesame seeds

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here we have greeny leaves, pumpkin seeds, wholewheat pasta, corn and cucumber with non dairy mayo

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and I loved this one ! greens, corn, fennel, leek and beautifull orange “butter”pumpkin !!!!! I made some spaghetti from it and the chopped them, the rest of the pumpkin I cut in cubes and added it in the bowl. I mean I love it. I had it with sweet balsamico, red and green pesto πŸ™‚

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Mr. Avocado, kapari, greens, artichokes and red pesto with black sesame seeds

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and voila I made my thai soup πŸ™‚ I ran out of tofu and eggplant and bananas πŸ˜€ so I put there : onions, garlic, kale, fresh cucumbers, spiralised carrots and looooots of chilly and coconut milk, of course phad tahi paste πŸ™‚ next time I ll make some propper one with bananas, tofu and maybe king prawns YUMMY !!!! πŸ™‚

hope u liked my post and make love and bee good



Hi guys,

today just very quick πŸ™‚ some nice smoothies and juices plus tomato-avocado salad and beet root spagheti with wild rice and “idontknow” homemade sauce – Tom did that sauce so tthat is why I really dont know

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I actually put some wasabi, soy mayo sauce on side and it was soooo different I just liked it that way

Plus Im adding some inspiration websites or insta stuff that keep me motivated, maybe they will do the same to u πŸ˜‰







have a nice one


Pain is a dealer

Hi guys,

hope u had better friday and weekened than me. Put it simply – Im dedicated to do anything I can to ged rid of menstruation pain, cramps, and bloated belly like 8 months pregnant – which I clearly dont wanna be and Im not plannin to do so!!! So I started to work out much more and u know , fresh air, the raw food – trying to be on 90% raw 10% cooked soups and yes wholegrain croissants 3 times a week !!!! πŸ™‚ I actually see a psychomatic clinic where a specialised gynecologist treats women without drugs and birth control prescriptions and all that sh.t. so basically I thought that it might get better I really did, untill yesterday. I have had many cramps through last 15 year and some of them led me to hospital … but that what happened yesterday just made me more confident in what I want and that means : a life without menstruation ( period ) and I will do everythin to make it happened. Put a long story short I was in constant pain from 10 pm till 5 am – no sleep only screaming out loud, crawling on a floor etc … I mean u dont want to hear it all coz it is THAT disgusting. But the point is I made a statement I just cannot go on like this anymore. so Im gonna try to go 100% raw again, work out much more every day, less stress, wine and assholes around me. And hoopefully what I wished for will become a real thing one day πŸ™‚

here is what I found that might help, herbs and other stuff, we ll see :


Vitex agnus-castus – chaste tree –Β http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitex_agnus-castus



Here r some recipes from the last 2 days

some nice smoothies : mango, strawberries and coconut water

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here is some with frozen raspberries and bananas πŸ™‚


and this is hillarous πŸ™‚ my lil one and soup : chick peas, carrots, tomato puree, red onions, garlic, root of parsley, spell flour whip cream blended all together with soy sauce and indian curry


oh and welcome Spring πŸ™‚


peace πŸ™‚

Week treats

Hi guys here r my week treats

I ve been hoola hooping every day and I went swimming twice a week and Im going tomorrow as well πŸ™‚ yey What did u do for your body to be healthy and fit ???

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Recently I started hoola hooping again, usually in the morning for 15 or 30 minutes and I feel great again! Plus I try to go swimming every day, I really do. Im not sure if Im gonna be heading to the gym to sweat like a pig among those people but maybe I ll change my mind soon. But actually I had to admitt I have not eaten spagetthi or any other pasta for a very long time, coz Im avoiding cooked food, BUT Tom had made super cool delicious spagetthi with grilled veggies, soy meat and vegan bolognesse sauce that I just had to give it a try and it was very good I must admit. Today was not my day, I had too much chilly in my warm soup that I was running around all day from my atelier to the toilet πŸ˜€ but I take it as a cleanse πŸ˜€ Here is one more kale salad with steamed broccoli and dried tomatoes, sunflower seeds and vegan mayo.




And one more thing : so proud of our model Tyna who is not givng up and still keeping it vegan πŸ™‚

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have a nice one kids