Acrobatic Yoga etc.

Hi fellas,

hope u had a lovely spring time meanwhile it is shitty weather in Prague but still spring time. No more coats and more runners on the sidewalks … and me hoola hooping at Letenske Sady so if u see a lil girl with black n white jack russel spinning the hoola arround her waist that d be probably me .. but Im not lil girl I just look like that .. forget to trick me. Anyway Im still seeing my masseur master who does body banking and shiatzu massage which quite helps me in the matter of my period and sctratching the walls from the pain. And also Im trying to speak to my body kindly, sounds crazy I know but Im giving it a pleasure at any level so hopefully it will strike back the ame kindness whan the time comes.

Soo Im trying to eat liquid stuff to get my body prepared for a dissaster that will come soon and Im attending “punk acrobatic yoga” at PUNKTURA ( Zizkov, Prague 3 ) which is super cool – very acrobatic couple yoga excercises. Stretching your body into a new level and then hard working out for two hours!!! I mean 2 hours of instance acrobatic moves. Those who are more chill outers concerning to yoga u might stay at home. But those who like to jump, stand on your head, keep the balance, lie on the partner that holds you his/her feet in the air then well, this might be somethin’ for ya.

I personally d love to know like avery f.ckin pose. I must admit I did all of those they wanted me to do so Im soooooooo proud of my self ( I did first 4 pics in here ) and I hold a 70 kg man on my feet !!!!!!!!! I rock I know .. just kiddin šŸ™‚

acro-yoga acro acro7acro2 acro3 acro5 acro6

So yep, my health issues got better a bit after those tortures at body banking and shiatzu massage and I think that the spring time helped me as well to keep in shape ( mind n body ). The rest is on me, I got the tools how to deal with it and how to behave when In in pain so I just need to restart my thinking and try to be more positive on psyche level. Coz I have met quite a lot women who have the similar problem and I think that it is worth investing money into alternative medicine than crying out loud in the corner and complaining.

Anyway no more blah blah blah from me, here are some nice yummy things in my life that are better than .. hm .. chocolate or good coffe. Not better as a smile from a stranger that will remain stranger or will become someone in your life .. Dont let the people criticise you what u eat and how u eat … eat what u love and love what u eat.

I looooove frozen bananas, spinach, chia seeds blueberry smoothies !!! Like the one here

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blueberries, strawberries and bannanas are good frineds so keep em together. šŸ™‚

Ok then

see u arround

with all my love ( if there is any left šŸ˜› )


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