Full moon means no yoga

Hi everybody ( if there is somebody who actually reads this stuff ).

Yesterday was full moon and acrobatic yoga instructors cancelled the yoga class coz they said that when it is full moon u shouldnt be doing yoga at all. Quite new thing to me so I was like OK next week we ll rock it again. So no acrobatic moves for me this week. But I have been hoola hooping, getting tanned and eating good food/drinking good and sometimes shitty wine, so I still remain here as a healthy person 🙂 But what concerns me the most is that I did not get my period :)))))) nope Im not pregnant, I just have the sympthoms but no bleeding at all. And I feel soooo good and calm at some point happy. I think that body banking and shiatzu massages plus mostly liquid raw food diet helped me to get to this point and Im so gratefull for that.

So what was I eating and what I was avoiding is very simple : 90% of liquid stuff which means lot of juices, smoothies, tea, water and sometimes warm veggie soup and those 10% was basically fresh salads or some pattes. Or dark chocolate.

Plus I have found some super cool cute fancy pink packed corn crackers at Bio Letna !!! The packaging was so adorable that I just had to grab one 🙂 Plus I got lil gift from a friend – a young coconut full of coconut water. OMG. I was happy. Still didnt drink it but I ll do so tomorrow morning for break fast.

Plus I quite started to like adding beetroot juice into my frozen babana smoothie which colors it pink and it tastes even better than it looks. Have a look at thos masterpieces 😀

Seaweed salad with veggies of the left, veggies and beans and YES KETCHUP on the right

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oh yes, new swimsuits 🙂 gotta rock that on a beach or even if not beach than just at my balcony

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shopping haul 🙂

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dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, ruccola and corn salad

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corn crackers 🙂 with lil duck and young coconut with a smile, the guy who drew it is quite a talented artist 😛

plus a classic frozen bananas, chia seeds, beet root syrup or juice

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hope some of it makes u feel grab some fresh fruit and eat it immediatelly or it is just a bit of inspo for u

be good and healthy and dont take diet pills :PPP


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