Lost the period lost the pain

Hey there!

Hope u had a wonderful sunny week as we had here in Prague.

Firstly I d love to start with my very own topic – my period .. what else – so yep I lost it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

I cannot say how happy Im, you do not know how it feels. Or maybe u do, if u really do Im so happy for u as well. So I was trying to be 80% positive for liquid diet and 20% was the rest like salads, soups or fruit and sometimes I must confess I had tortilas, nachos, beautiful lovely raw dishes from Secret of Raw @ Prague, seafood, yes u hear me well ( my body craves for seafood and fish when PMS is coming so that if I dont get it I could kill ) and of course I had loaaads of dark chocolate .. and few bites of Lindt coconut one .. ehm . BUT! Who gives a *hit when u r about to lost that pain thatΒ tightens u all those years ? So what happened basically was the fact that I was not pregnant ( lucky me ) but I just did not see it coming at all and one day I felt that pressure at my lower tummy, mostly the same pressure and a bit of pain when I have my menstruation. It lasted for couple of days and my belly was again big as 6 month pregnant BUT I did not bleed and that pressure was only a tender pain so I mean c moon this is heaven. It lasted for 4 days and it is GONE! Plus yep I did felt PMS so if we count that then yep it may be more than just 4 days. So I had all the symptoms but no bleeding, very little pain, only pressure and PMS plus crazy hormones. My doctor told me that it happens and in my case it is the best thing that could happen to me and I totally agree with her πŸ˜‰ I know that there might be some people that would say that it is not healthy etc. but trust me, that torment that I had for more than 15 years was unhealthy and abnormal …. now I feel like a real person πŸ™‚ hope it will be better and better

Im healthy and happy

So here is some liquid yummy deliciousness

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and here are some salads – that tomato puree is from our organic lil farm from Slovakia, the greens and parsley as well, chopped dried tomatoes are from Italy πŸ™‚ with stir veggies mixed together

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that white mayo is not soy mayo !!!! it is made from red turkish lentil !!! 100% organic and it cost only 30 Czech Crowns which is 1,20EUR!!!!! I ll make some update about this product later on, coz there r more than just this one .. πŸ™‚

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and yes here are some inspo from our models

Dora @ Paris


Rebeka @ Hradec Kralove


Johana K @ Prague


Paulina @ Tai Pei


OH and I almost forgot, if u like hooping as I do, you can join these cool girls @ Prague. I ll come as well and I bet it is gonna be huge fun and calorie burning stuff.

u can find all info hereΒ https://www.hula-hoop.cz/

Be good and have a good sex if u r not allowed to do it yet – then eat delicious food πŸ™‚

Full moon means no yoga

Hi everybody ( if there is somebody who actually reads this stuff ).

Yesterday was full moon and acrobatic yoga instructors cancelled the yoga class coz they said that when it is full moon u shouldnt be doing yoga at all. Quite new thing to me so I was like OK next week we ll rock it again. So no acrobatic moves for me this week. But I have been hoola hooping, getting tanned and eating good food/drinking good and sometimes shitty wine, so I still remain here as a healthy person πŸ™‚ But what concerns me the most is that I did not get my period :)))))) nope Im not pregnant, I just have the sympthoms but no bleeding at all. And I feel soooo good and calm at some point happy. I think that body banking and shiatzu massages plus mostly liquid raw food diet helped me to get to this point and Im so gratefull for that.

So what was I eating and what I was avoiding is very simple : 90% of liquid stuff which means lot of juices, smoothies, tea, water and sometimes warm veggie soup and those 10% was basically fresh salads or some pattes. Or dark chocolate.

Plus I have found some super cool cute fancy pink packed corn crackers at Bio Letna !!! The packaging was so adorable that I just had to grab one πŸ™‚ Plus I got lil gift from a friend – a young coconut full of coconut water. OMG. I was happy. Still didnt drink it but I ll do so tomorrow morning for break fast.

Plus I quite started to like adding beetroot juice into my frozen babana smoothie which colors it pink and it tastes even better than it looks. Have a look at thos masterpieces πŸ˜€

Seaweed salad with veggies of the left, veggies and beans and YES KETCHUP on the right

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oh yes, new swimsuits πŸ™‚ gotta rock that on a beach or even if not beach than just at my balcony

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shopping haul πŸ™‚

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dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, ruccola and corn salad

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corn crackers πŸ™‚ with lil duck and young coconut with a smile, the guy who drew it is quite a talented artist πŸ˜›

plus a classic frozen bananas, chia seeds, beet root syrup or juice

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hope some of it makes u feel grab some fresh fruit and eat it immediatelly or it is just a bit of inspo for u

be good and healthy and dont take diet pills :PPP
