U gotta be soft my dear

Hi fellas, hope u had a lovely week. I was running arround like a crazy daisy but I survived. Anyway, I had my body banking again back on Thursday and the day after I got my super cool friend over – menstruation – or let’s say my period … blabla I got said too much abt it BUT I must confess the pain was still there but not that much intense and it did not last that long as usual. anyway I still did no get rid of that fake pregnant belly while the period, but it may seems that body banking helps to heal the pain a bit πŸ™‚

anywayyy I was drinking a loooooots of water and juices soo quickly so I could not make a pic of it πŸ™‚ but I got some nice banana, spinach smoothie here, some mashed baby food or how to call it … no sugar just pure fruit, and of course some green dinner – broccoli, peas and greens with carrots, I steamed it for 3 minutes coz I was lusting for more warmer dinner than raw one, shame on me πŸ˜›

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I do not eat my cat !!! πŸ˜›

Oh and I almost forgot, the body banking guy told me : Mimi u r soo taugh, very strong, athletic person, can handle everything and deal with shit of everyday life like Β stroking a feather BUT if u really wanna get rid of that pain and fake pregnancy belly u gotta be more soft, u gotta find your inner women ish thing inside u … sooo Im trying to find some … blew . I know Im pretty strict on myself, on the others and on my work but I know that I do it for some meaning and purpose, but maybe he is right and Im just too much stressed, not streched and I need to be softer.

If u guys have the same problem, do not be ashamed of it, just spread the word and if u like more of my vegan plant based diet ( hign carb low fat ) let me know I ll try not to eat it before I can shoot it πŸ™‚

have a beautiful week and be good

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