Pain is a dealer

Hi guys,

hope u had better friday and weekened than me. Put it simply – Im dedicated to do anything I can to ged rid of menstruation pain, cramps, and bloated belly like 8 months pregnant – which I clearly dont wanna be and Im not plannin to do so!!! So I started to work out much more and u know , fresh air, the raw food – trying to be on 90% raw 10% cooked soups and yes wholegrain croissants 3 times a week !!!! 🙂 I actually see a psychomatic clinic where a specialised gynecologist treats women without drugs and birth control prescriptions and all that sh.t. so basically I thought that it might get better I really did, untill yesterday. I have had many cramps through last 15 year and some of them led me to hospital … but that what happened yesterday just made me more confident in what I want and that means : a life without menstruation ( period ) and I will do everythin to make it happened. Put a long story short I was in constant pain from 10 pm till 5 am – no sleep only screaming out loud, crawling on a floor etc … I mean u dont want to hear it all coz it is THAT disgusting. But the point is I made a statement I just cannot go on like this anymore. so Im gonna try to go 100% raw again, work out much more every day, less stress, wine and assholes around me. And hoopefully what I wished for will become a real thing one day 🙂

here is what I found that might help, herbs and other stuff, we ll see :

Vitex agnus-castus – chaste tree –

Here r some recipes from the last 2 days

some nice smoothies : mango, strawberries and coconut water

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here is some with frozen raspberries and bananas 🙂


and this is hillarous 🙂 my lil one and soup : chick peas, carrots, tomato puree, red onions, garlic, root of parsley, spell flour whip cream blended all together with soy sauce and indian curry


oh and welcome Spring 🙂


peace 🙂

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