Week treats

Hi guys here r my week treats

I ve been hoola hooping every day and I went swimming twice a week and Im going tomorrow as well 🙂 yey What did u do for your body to be healthy and fit ???

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Recently I started hoola hooping again, usually in the morning for 15 or 30 minutes and I feel great again! Plus I try to go swimming every day, I really do. Im not sure if Im gonna be heading to the gym to sweat like a pig among those people but maybe I ll change my mind soon. But actually I had to admitt I have not eaten spagetthi or any other pasta for a very long time, coz Im avoiding cooked food, BUT Tom had made super cool delicious spagetthi with grilled veggies, soy meat and vegan bolognesse sauce that I just had to give it a try and it was very good I must admit. Today was not my day, I had too much chilly in my warm soup that I was running around all day from my atelier to the toilet 😀 but I take it as a cleanse 😀 Here is one more kale salad with steamed broccoli and dried tomatoes, sunflower seeds and vegan mayo.




And one more thing : so proud of our model Tyna who is not givng up and still keeping it vegan 🙂

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have a nice one kids


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