Sunny Sunday

Hi fellas,

quick update form the weekend I had. I DID NOT SIGN IN MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT YESTERDAY!!!!! Well done 🙂 But I had to today .. anyway. I went to the Pruhonice with my friends and dog to walk the whole saturday. There s lovely huuuge park, castle and lakes and there is firbidden to smoke so I did not smoke at all the whole day ( only evening at home ).

Then I went to pick up my new favs in vegan cosmetics from BIOOO.CZ

And for my suprise I got new juicer yeeeey.

Today I woke up like 8 am !!!! On Sunday !!! Me ?? Never 😀 But I did. So I made my juice, got out for a dogwalk and exercise for 15 minutes of hoolahooping. Quick shower, put all those vegan creams and oils I have on my body and start a new sunny day with a smile. Even I was working today ( we were shooting a model test ) I felt very fresh and so stressed as it is ussual for me while the week days.

Oh and I forgot I picked up my membership card at WorldClass Fitness Center Prague so I might be heading up there tomorrow 🙂

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have a nice sunday evening and rest a bit


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