Beet Root Spaghetti

Hi guys Im updating u with some new nice yummy meals – actually very cheap !!!

as u know I start my day with a bowl of fruit sometimes a smoothie with raw cocoa and sometimes just plain orrange grapefruit lemon juice but for lunch I crave for veggies, I ve tried to eat fruit till 4 and then a veggie dinner but I think my body just works just like this and Im OK with it and if I have a craving for something yummy sweet but healthy I ll grab 70% or more % dark chocolate with mint, orange or coconut 🙂

here is my yesterday lunch and dinner

carrot spaghetti made from spiraliser, raw cauliflower, lentils, sunflower seeds, soy sauce and olive oil

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and here is : beetroot spaghetti – with white radish sphagetti, lentils and chili 🙂 everything raw


and here is Anna – when she came her a year ago she had quite very bad meassurements for modeling as I remember it right it was 178 cm 90-73-102 or somethin like that and then she started to eat healthy, made herself a vegan and started to take care of her body gettin fit sooo here is Anna now 178 cm 82-62-92 !!!!!!! still needs to work on her tights but I mean the progress!!?? is WOW. Anna has options for very good agencies in London, Milan and Paris so it is a huge motivation for her to get even better body – a healthy one 🙂

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Good reading recomendation :)

Hi guys I was writting the post and then this page told me there occured a mistake sooo I ll be quick 😀

this is what I ate 2day

spinach , steamed broccoli, sun dried tomatoes and spicy sou mayo


cooked potatoe, white radish spaghetti with soy beans and curly parsley + I added some organis sweet chilly sauce aside


THE CAT ! and my salad 😀



and this is what Rebeka our model is eating in between the castings in Milan 🙂 oh btw she has lost 12 kilos last year !!!!! now she is 176 cm 84-60-85 🙂 cool yeah ? and just because of vegan lifestyle







here she is

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and this is what our model Klara was trying to make for a dinner 🙂 Klara still needs to loose but she has huge motvation ( Tokyo and London ) so she will be in shape pretty soon


and here she is



and last but not least here are some super mega giga books u should read 🙂 I mean it 🙂
















hope u got some motivation, see u soon fellas

I’m proud of my models

Hi fellas,

quick update abt my eating habits and some models inspo for u guys 🙂

So basically I was eating 90% raw products yeeeeey ! and the result is : I stil have my fckin period and blooaaaated belly like 7 months pregnant BUT I do not have cramps !!!!! I swear I got no pain !!!!! This is insane I ve never felt that way so I actually opened a bottle of nice white wine to celebrate that – that wine is vegan so why not – yep I cannot stop drinking that lovely liquid maybe later alligator 😛

so here it is :

nice red cabbage salad with spinach and that Vietnamese greens ( cant remember the name of it )

then the pic below is my cat sorry 😀

the other one is beet root spaghetti chopped in stripes, parsley, cilantro, curly parsley, raw Vietnamese broccoli, corn, red cabbage and spicy soy mayo with chilly

and the 3rd thing down there is a spinach salad with beans, lentils, sun dried tomatoes, fennel and rice mayo :*

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but what I wanted to tell u is that our models have changed their diets from omnivore to vegan and some of them RAW!!! and here r the results :

Martina used to be 82-66-95 at age 12 till 13 height 180 cm

now she is 14 yrs and just after 2 months of being vegan she is : 79-62-86 🙂 🙂 🙂

bangggg !

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here are some of Martina’s faves 🙂 and it is 98% raw !!!

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Tyna was a aerobic master !!!! she used to be 82-62-89 at height of 179 cm , then she left working out that much and got very sick my lil baby 😦 and she was not eating right ! so she was like 82-65-95 a month ago but NOW she is a vegan and has lost 3 cm on her hips in a month :))) happy bee

here are some snaps from Tyna when she was in shape , I gotta make new ones of her to see how she sparkles

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and here is Tyna’s daily base food

I really need to mention she was eating CRAP and JUNK FOOD but now NOPE 🙂


Dora was trying to loose as well 🙂 and from 91 on hips she lost to 89 🙂

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and here r my girls who transformed and I soo proud of them 🙂

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hope they r ur motivation as well, I ll be posting more of them and how they change 🙂 !

be good and dont eat sh.t

I need a juicer !!!

Hi guys 🙂

I told ya my juicer is broken ? Sh.t man! Cant do any juice right now and it pisses me off coz I wanted to do FebFast – means cleanse of February. anyway I found new one, so hopefully I wont spend all my money for new couch but I ll try to manage to buy both couch and juicer 🙂 However, with or without it I still eat 90% raw I dont cook, the only thing I eat that might not be raw is soya mayo, soya potato patte and cooked or grilled eggplant – but Im starting to like it raw either. Oh and I forgot I made lovely tomatoe soup, if I was a garlic I would love to live in tomato soup, I love love love it !!!! But I gotta admit I smoke and I drink wine. Which sucks, but I cant be perfect, it would blown my mind.

So here are some recipes

very simple, very fresh, very tasty

spinach salad : spinach, cooked eggplant, fennel, olive oil, black pepper, sweet balsamico, sour balsamico, lemon juice

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raw avocado soup : 1 avocado, cup of coconut milk, parsley, black pepper, yellow bell pepper, chilly, spring onion, handful of cashews – just blend it all 🙂 and put some dried tomatoes and kale chips on top 🙂

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tomato soup : fresh peeled tomatoes, tomato pyre, chopped tomatoes in can – I used BIO products from DM Market, 3 carrots, chilly, red pepper, cup of chickpeas, onion and 5 cloves of garlic, I cooked it for 20 minutes, blend it and put some dried tomatoes and herbs like basil and oregano on the top 🙂


sweet & sour smoothie : blend 5 kiwis and 10 fresh dates, add coconut or regular water and voila 🙂

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parsley spaghetti : put parsley root into spiralizer and make spaghetti, add some chopped red cabbage, some spices, nuts and seeds and a bit of basil pesto – delicious


fennel salad : just put some greens, fennel, corn, sun dried tomatoes and tofu cheese all together with olive oil and sweet balsamico

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rucola salad : rucola leves, yellow bell pepper, sunflower seeds, olive oil and soya mayo plus fresh spicy black pepper


kohlrabi salad : chopped kohlrabi, mungo & sunflower seeds all together in soya mayo wit rice vinegar


raspberry figs smoothie : raspberries, figs and cup of water


so this is it for today hopefully u r havin a nice sunday and eating healthy

PS : some very good documents I d rather recommend :

My models want me back on blog :)

Hi fellas,

its a long time I ve been here .. busy, bored, tired and exhausted. But anyway I ll try to put some more of what I eat and what is good for models to be healthy.

So starting with b-fast I usually have a bowl of fresh fruit. Here r some pears, grapes and dried plums with date syrup.

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For lunch I usually have some raw veggies, like these parsley – zuchinni spagethy with corn, olive oil, black pepper and maybe bit of soy sauce


but all the time when Im hungry I grab some fruit or nuts which are the best for healthy fat 🙂

Actually my juicer and blender are dead … they r broken so I gotta fix them so I cant make any fresh juices or smoothies but hopefully I will do in a future 🙂

One more thing – anywhere in the world u r – u can still find some nice vegan place to east like us – booker and models – eating in Hanoi ( Vietnam ) vegan restaurant , it was SOOOOO GOOD! 3 salads, 1 pizza, 3 soups, 3 deserts and drink cost like  10 EUR all together = insane !


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be good and healthy