Go vegan at least !

Hi fellas,

quick update : I had lovable organic home made blueberry soda @ local cimena :http://www.biooko.net/cz/ u should try one when u got a chance to step by 



They gave me a nice “tester” of those 2 friends 🙂 

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they r quite very very good !!!! 🙂 too sweet but 100% pure 

Anyway I do not feel like writting that much so I’m posting soem inspiration vegan videos u might like to see if you r interested in vegan/raw society.


Have a lovely one 


One day I’ll beat it!

Hi dear fellas,

still having my P. Goin’ insane more and more but I ‘ll survive. My body still looks like a pregnat one and I even can’t look at myself, but what I can is to look at nice juices n salad I made today. Beside this, I’m babysitting a lovable puppy and dogs have the ability to make your dark days seem pink a bit 🙂 

I ussualy avoid eat any kind of melon with another fruit but I just could not resist this time. I made some pear-watermelon juice for b-fast, delicious pineapple-watermelon for snack, and pineapple-watermelon-honeydew juice. OH !!!! For dinner I had huge plate of salad rolls stuffed with veggies but then I ate another one with grated radishes, zuchinni, cucumber, carrots, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, soy sauce and raisins 🙂 YUM !!!!!! 

Among the pics is also cucumber orange juice ! Such a taste !!!

here are some pics : 

Oh btw I forgot I fell off the vagon and had gorgeous sushi @ http://www.cake-czechoslovakia.com/#!susirnacake/cls0 and it waaasss sooo good oh ! 

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Have a gut nite 


It is back :(

Hi fellas, 

after satisfaction come tears 😦 I was sooo happy that that period did not get me but it actually did. I was in huge pain yesterday .. BUT it did nit last that long as usual which is a perfect sign. My belly is like Im expecting a baby right now but the pain is over. I hope it will last only till tomorrow – 3 days as the last time I had it and then I can enjoy the life as usual. I have decided that nothing can stop me to go swimming or just hiking and getting tanned so when u r see a small tiny vulgar woman with baby belly and a jack russel crazy dog – that is me. Anyway I ll keep on raw food lifestyle coz it actually helped me a lot – my physical condition and mind is clear 🙂 

Here is some inspo and my belly 😛 

Some sweet raw dates with poppy seeds – insanly sweet & yummy. U can buy em in any bio shop I think. 

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Here is the best raw musli ever !!!!! I mean pasion fruit and coconut ? Such a symphoby of sweetness. I do not have a picture with the actual product coz I had eaten it before 🙂 


Here is some nice mushroom, red cabbage, radishes, celery salat 🙂 

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Lovable peach-apple-carrot juice ( and my wine 🙂 )

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my cat & my belly 😦 

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and this is me having a breakfast ! 

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Have a healthy weekend 


Gone with the wind

Hi fellas,

so after 2 months of raw ( sometimes raw till 4pm ) I have to luckily announce that the pain is gone. I mean my perion id gone “with the wind”. Not only me but also people arround me are soo happy that it is over. Coz that was basically my goal why I switched to raw food. So for all of you who have the same probems or deal with great pain, depressions, anxiety, panic ttacks, diabetes etc. give it a try for few weeks & I hope u ll see the results as I did 🙂 🙂 🙂

For some inspo I got nice veggies, coz green is the new black and here are some pics from our lil garden in Prague. Tomatoes never tasted better !!!








Keep on bein’healthy 🙂


Quick raw update & inspo

Hi dear fellas,

aint got time byt got the energy 🙂 to live fully raw. When I fell of the wagoon for some “vegan junk”full of sodium or loads of not organic soy I literally felt it straight away that there is just something wrong with me and my body cried :/ 

Anyway to keep u motivated & updated I have some nice salad as usual and for juices I had : gooseberry and apple combination, 2nd one pure flat peaches juice and for an evening drink I had cucumber, carrot, kale. zuchinni green juice 🙂 




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btw those links’d be quite useful if u’d like to keep on being a fully raw or vegan ❤ 






