Here comes a period!!!

Dear fellas,

as my journey is fruit ISH and veggie ISH delicious I wanted to try it for a one particular thing – to get rid of my period or even just to get rid of that insane great pain and bloating. And the results finally came! Maybe a bit earlier but who cares coz my period is sometimes 3 times a month but regularluy twice 🙂 sounds gr8 yep?

Sooo – the results I noticed after 3 days are :

1. no PMS!!!!!! Nothing, Nada, Nic

2. no swollen legs

3. no bloating a week before

4. no cravings

5. pain was not that as it used to be before, there was still pain that I could barelly lie on a bed and get some sleep, but it was not that intense BUT it lasted longer

6. the blood stream for the 1st day was very very slow and I barely noticed red spots ..


Buuuut – the results I noticed after 3 days as well :

1. insane low pressure, I think even lower as before going raw

2. pressure in my feet especially ankles

3. strange cramps in my chest especially heart

4. panic attack as a result of those cramps


So how I managed it ? I had to eat some nice 85% raw chilly and cherry dark chocolate to rise my blood pressure and drunk some nice 30% Medovina 🙂 but it totally did not work. I could not sleep until 7am and I woke up @9am :/ But for the rest of the days I was OK! Got some sleep, resp and felt better. The only thing that remained the same is bloated belly. I just cant get rid of it. But Im quite so happy for the changes and no PMS!!!! That Im gonna follow this lifestyle bit longer and we ll see if the belly and the whole period will disappear.

Here is some motivation for u

Why American Apples Just Got Banned in Europe















Have a lovely one and be good


More Inspiration & Motivation

Hi guys,

I’m still on raw food diet ( that means lifestyle ) and I still do not miss bread or wholewheat pasta and cooked food etc. But I really do miss fish, oh I miss fish OOOOH my lovable fish 😦 anyway …. I’ve decided to post some of my inspiration slash motiviation that keeps me going and had actually started the idea of me going raw.

But before some nice dishes from today

Salad as usuall, but for those who are not “raw eaters” you can serve it on indian crunchy tacoISH bread. You just roast it for few secs on heated oil. Anyway what is something very spicy and crunchy abt this salad is that I added Indian “snacks”. It is a mixture of dried nuts, chickpeas, mango, ginger, rice, soy etc .. anything and everything – you can choose from a dozen of flavours. Crunch !!!






And here is just some veggie plate 🙂



OK and here are some videos which keep me motivated, worth watchin’!!!









Tomato leaves makes yummy juice !

Hi dear fellas,

quick update from 2day : I walked my dog twice for 3 hours, 4 km all together :), spent the shopping time by walking to the store and walking back home ( the store is 1,6 km far from my apt. ), went to the cinema to see a movie, went to shoot a beauty course and prepared some yummy juices and salads to fill my belly and keep my energy high!!! So Im super excited that I did all those things @ one day.

For b-fast I had 2 bananas, 6 dates, almond milk smoothie. It was soooo sweet 🙂 That I had to make more for an afternoon as TO GO version when Im on set working.

For lunch I had mushrooms, chopped cellery, curly green salad, corn, spring onion, cucumber SALAD with red vinegar, olive oil and rice soy chilly dressing. OHHH yes !




For afternoon and evening I had delicious orange, lemon, cellery root & tomato leaves juice. I mean, the taste of tomatoes without actually adding them into the juicer is ooooh soo good! And the juice is very sour and fresh coz of the oranges and lemons but at the same time grounded and nice green!!!! You should try this one, even a friend of mine who is not into healthy eating and juicing was like OMG I LOVE IT!!!





And last but not least I did eat @11pm – I made myself a salad of zuchinni, cucumbers, cellery sticks, curly greens, rice soy chilly mayo, olive oil and red, white, black fresh pepper.



And if you guys are interested in some inspiration or just would like to see under the cover, here is the link to a very good documentary :

More 2morrow




Grilled parsley – not so RAW

Today I had to grill some nice parsley roots :/ Why? I just cannot eat it raw yet. I eat zuchinni, mushrooms, root beet or eggplant in raw version for more than a year and I love it, but raw parsley is just out of the vagon right now. Anyway, I juice it with apples and other stuff of course!!! So for a breakfast I had nice juice made of parsley, apples, beet root, lemon and cellery. For snack I grabbed some nice babanas, dates, strawberries and of course loads of herbal tea and water!!! The time of a dinner had come and I was just sponning around the parsley thinking of ooooh god damn it, I love it when it is grilled ( for 7 minutes ) coz it tastes like crunchy potatoes. Veru yumy. But on the other hand I was like, nope I cant do this blah bla. But you know what? I grilled it and ate it with fresh celerry sticks, zuchinni, carrots, green salat and sun dried tomatoes with vegan mayo on a side and I loved it. Once I served it to a friend wit potatoes and he could not recognise that it is parsley root in a bowl full of spicy potatoes 🙂 and he hates veggies! You see?! It is that good!

But, when it was around 7pm I started to feel anxious, weak and my head was like a roller coaster … Which was an effect of too much work, little time spent outside in a park walking and of course not enough fruit. But I had already run out of high carb fruit so I gave myself a treat – 85% dark Belgian chocolate to increase my blood pressure and avoid anxiety feeling, which I unfortunatelly suffer form a lot 😦

So the sum up for today for me is to stuck myself with more high carb fruit during the whole day and get some rest from work. You should do it too. Here are some pics of the juice and veggies and as you can see, everybody loves my parsley juice even my ZOO 🙂

Loads of love









RAW miRAWslava :)

Hi dear fellas,

haven’t been here for a while coz of health problems and not enough time to write abt a healthy way of eating. Anyway, after many many days and tears in pain I have decided to try 100% raw ( high carb low fat/sodium diet ) lifestyle for a month to see if something changes – something I mean my period and women issues. If it will not change at all, I will get back to my vegan lifestyle. But if it will DO change in a better way I will stick to raw and eat as much fruit n veggies as I can 🙂 For those who would like more than an inspiration here are some videos that inspired me :


I will post my daily eating basis tomorow to see, that I do not eat grass and flowers only ( btw flowers are very tasty ). But for now Im gonna give u some advice how to lose your body water – irrigation. An of course how to get rid of sodium/salt that makes your body “fat. Actually, if you eat healthy, it is not FAT but just WATER that salt keeps in your body.

I personally like to go to the forest or field to get my own herbs instead of going to the pharmacy. It feels better when you use them for your tea or syrup after all 🙂 So, if you got a chance, get your asses of the couch and go out to pick up some herbs.

Here are the herbs perfect for drainage your organism :























































OK, so just dry them on a paper or hanged upside down from a ceiling. Make some tea and go out to work out.






PS : I add parsley roots to my fresh juice every morning with cucumbers, apples, carrots etc. It is super cool for you urine system 🙂



Have a nice one, keep u posted 2morrow

