Detox day 2

Have a nice one,

yesterday before I went out to walk my dog I made 40 crunches, was out for an hour, got back and made another 30 crunches – quite proud of myself:) Anyway, after dealing with Shang Hai modeling agency and trying to persuade them that a model TYNA is krisTYNA and her passport is OK I made myself lunch at 12pm. Ordinary sala with rucola, yellow pepper, cherry tomatoes and white lil beans with fresh black pepper on top. I gotta admit that fish I bought was from a super market not from a fresh fish store and after that luch it took revenge on my body and I felt like a huge ball, just not good. So no more bad fish. I was drinking loads of water and green tea, working out – another 40 crunches. BUT! My lovely friend persuaded me to come for a dinner toΒ Β where it is obvious the food is suitable for VEGANS but after 6pm is all you can eat for only 70 or sometimes 50 czech crowns !!!!!!!!! Which in not my case and position right now is insanity not to go, but Im trying to detoxicate my body and not over eat! Oh Jesus, we had almost everything they were offering us – stewed eggplant with mushrooms, curry tofu with tomatoes, fresh salad, spicy zuchinni, carrot and green beans, sweetcorn, peas, soy meat, bake cauliflower etc. !!!!!! I could not move I swear ! Never again on detox, but anytime while on regular diet πŸ™‚ Highly recomended! Anyway after that over eating thing I made another 60 crunches and that time I was so happy for myself, coz it is never too late to do the crunches.




Today I started with 40 crunches, banana – nectarine smoothie and fresh raddish salad with rucola and sweet corn πŸ™‚ hope this day will be better for me and my digestion. Cant wait to go out after watching tales for kids on TV πŸ˜›


Detox day 1

Dear fellas πŸ™‚

My detox is on from today till .. who the heck knows πŸ™‚ Before summing up what I ate and what Im up to , Im posting this lovable n healthy recipe of baked Hokaido.



Take some nice Hokaido and cut it into cubes ( deppending how many of u are eating ). Put the cubes into bowl, add olive oil, red balsamico and fresh black pepper. Stir it properly. Then put the cubes on a baking foil, wrap it and put it into owen for 30minutes – 190 celsias heat.




Rucola leaves, sweet corn, red raddishes, dried figs and unsalted pumpkin seeds. I used figs coz of perfetct digestive ability πŸ™‚ Pour over some nice balsamico or just lemon juice and olive oil. U can eat it with fish as well if u like, just bake a fish with hokaido. I ate it with spicy chilly garlic sauce, coz Hokaido is quite sweet I wanted it more chilly-ish. Enjoy my dear friends !


OK so back to my detox : this “blog” istn’t about how the food looks like or the exact recipes. Anyway I hate blogs and cannot get over bloggers, sorry guys, I like u as friends, but blogging is just oh .. gross! Β But this is for those u are in the modeling business and need to take care of their bodies bit more than regular humans. And of course it is for anybody who d love to eat better, think better and differently abt food.

SO Im not bloggin, not doing any commercial for this and that brand as many bloggers do, I just needed a place where to write something for those u need it the most !

My detox started today : I woke up, had 2 glasses of cold water, made 40 crunches, drunk fresh juice od half beet root, half orange, 2 apples n one carrot. Ate some dried figs and cannot resist to that lovable wholeseed bread in my kitchen cabinet! So I had 3 small pieces of it with TATARACEK ( alfabio ) spreaded all over with cucumbers and radishes. I would not eat it if it was too late, like 11 am .. but the fact I woke up at 7am is OK and my body can beat it up. After all – Im gonna walk my dog right now so I ll take the longest path πŸ™‚

I hope my lunch d be healthier, I ll try not to eat that lovable bread ( coz of detoxing my body ) and stick to veggies, fruit, nuts and fish. Yes I eat damn fish and I love it damn it ! ! !

I ll do my best to drink as much green tea as I can and I ll do 50 crunches hopefully every 4 hours.

But the most important : water, green tea and veg-fruit juices !

OK guys headin to the woods of Letna, Ciao bella πŸ™‚


Sicky me & Salmon minies !

I was sick as heel, survinin’that high temperature :/ but what helped me is a juice from one big onion, lemon and for those who d be disgusted so much u can add an apple to taste ehm better. Make it three times a days, eat a lot of fresh garlic with honey and try not to kiss πŸ™‚ anybody!

What made my sick day a bit better was a pack of amarenth crunchies with nuts. It is BIO and I found it at Non Stop Store at Letna – Prague 7. Costs only 39 Kc !!! And tastes delicious with honey !!!!!! Yum Yum.




What I have found delicious as well is this incredible yummy salmon minies πŸ™‚ I put them on a regular green salad with cherry tomatoes, cellery sticks and cucumber. U can buy them ( those minies ) at Holesovicka Trznica, 6 Kc each. They got also cod minies – 4 Kc each. They got NO FROZEN WATER in it !!!!! And they are suitable for kids , coz there are no bones. If u d like some bigger portions, grabb some, they got them all in bigger package. I grilled the minies for 10 minutes without any oil or butter and they tasted lovable. Just put some balsamico and dairy free rice dressing plus fresh black pepper and enjoy your food !




This is all I think for today, but I m planning to go on detox, hopefully I ll be more succesfull then right now and I ll be posting for a while only veggie fruit nut dishes πŸ™‚


Have a nice one



Mushroom season!!!

Thanks to my lovely friend and make up artist Zanetka !!! She brought me some nice mushrooms fresh picked from a forrest last week. If u got a chance, get out to some forrest near by u and grabb those grease mushrooms, coz they r soo delicious even in soup or pasta or anything else.

I made a pasta for my boyfriend that consists of onions, garlic and fresh leaves of oregano roasted on butter, then add the mushrooms cut as cubes, added bit of chopped spinach, chilly and Himalayan stone salt. Add the pasta, wrinkle some olive oil, leave for 3 minutes and voilaaaa. Bon apetit! πŸ™‚






Soup : olive oil, onion and garlic on a heat! Add white beans, yellow peas and water, cook for 40 minutes, Then blend it. Add salt ( the healthy one ! ) some spice, bit of chilly and cubes of mushrooms. Cook for another 30 minutes. I do not use milk!!!!! It is creamy itself πŸ™‚

Enjoy !


