I was bakin’!!!

Dear fellas,

I wanted to post this extremelly yummy baked cookies a.k.a. muffins a.k.a. I duno how to call them πŸ™‚

I used puff pasty, Milka chocolate, Horalka snack πŸ™‚ , organic home made jelly and fresh pears.

To put simply, put one square of Milka in each cookie, add fresh pear and Horalka snack, jelly on top, wrap it properly and put it into an owen for estimated 35 minutes, 150 celsia, and then just voilaaaaaa ! πŸ™‚ this is not for vegans

anyway this whole post is for the ones who like sweet n they do not care πŸ™‚ everybody needs a treat from time to time







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