Cooking for 10 minutes

OK guys, I have decided to avoid my lovely whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread and brown rice coz this is a period of time when I do detox for 40 days till Easter. The Ash Wednesday begins on 13th of February and lasts 40 days as I mentioned. Anyway, Im starting my “starving” bit earlier, coz I know myself, I dont wanna fade or anything else, I just gotta get used to that detox and sacrifice. The point is, I was raised Christian, attended Christian High School and graduated from religion class or how should I call it …but those who know me .. ehm they know that Im not a person that prays or go to church every Sunday and don’t swear or somethin like that .. No, Im aquarius I cannot stick to one religion for Christ’s Sake ! Anyhow, I do believe in God, or how should I name it .. there is something outhere and I hope everybody of us has felt it once .. it is the energy, or mother nature, or Alah, Jesus, Budha and all those weird guys πŸ™‚ But the point is that I respect the detox period before Easter and I try to live better, eat better and maybe sleep better πŸ™‚ So whatever you are guys, an atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims or members of Scientology LLC πŸ™‚ you can once a year sacrifice something what you like, it is kinda challenge !!!! I swear !

Soooo before I start my journey I would like to show you some of the dishes I have made recently, containing no bread, pasta etc.

If you like fish, than u’d better watch out, coz this is easy breeze beautiful ( Cover Girl ) .

For a raddish & chick peas salad you ll need :

Chick peas

_MG_8941Raddish & Carrot






Anchovy pasta



Soya Tartar sauce



And of course fresh black pepper, lemon and those who like it bit sweet they can add sweet Italian Balsamico

You gotta chopp all of the veggies and add a llliiitttlllee spoon of anchovy pasta coz it is salty as hell ! Add tartar sauce and mix it together in a bowl πŸ™‚ oh and I forgot, you can add white lil beans πŸ™‚

Then prepare a hot pan, or grill and with a drop of olive oil and lemon juice you can grill your fav fish πŸ™‚

then just place the fish on you salat plate and you are ready to eat πŸ™‚ Yummy!




If you ain’t gt no fish and actually there is nothin in a fridge, I hope there is still a chance to find a carrot , white beans in tomato sauce or any beans, cellery Β and you can rock yor dining. Just put it in a owen for 8 minutes or you can cook it on a pan, add some spices and low fat, healthy veggie plate is ready to go



And one more dish :

Cut the cellery root as thick nuudles, add carrot, fresh cellery sticks ( cut of course ), you can add corn, beans, zuchinni or beetroot and anchovy tiny little fish from can or fresh ( i got mine from a can ) all the ingredients gotta be chopped !!!!! Then if you are like me : a fishyterian, you can add chopped tuna chunks πŸ™‚ I added onion sauce and soya sauce and It was delicious !!!!!!! You can play with your food even you are a vegeterian, vegan or a model on a diet )

Enjoy !!!!_MG_8923


But please do eat !!! Coz then you will look like a skeleton and u’d be no longer interesting for the big clients or industry … coz not all of ’em are crazy














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