Step 4 – know your period

Dear readers, if there are any :/ I would like to point out that we are women or to be women ! And there is a pretty annoying thing that is too womanISH – period ! Some of you are lucky that they don’t even feel that something’s happenin’, some of you have little pain in lower part of belly but some of you can scratch the walls of a toilet or room for hours and days and still feel the great, agressive, neverending pain. Almost like dying.

And the pain is far away from the end! There is headache, nerves and blowing watery belly. Does any of you look like a pregnant women during those days? If yes I got some ideas.

If you are a model and have this kinda period that you cannot even go for a casting coz of the pain and huge belly the best thing for you is simply not to eat 😦 Period is here to vanish all toxines that we have in our bodies and try to clean the body itself. All the toxins go away along with the blood stream. So if you’d like to make it lil more easier try to drink the best tea for women, herbal tea and no coffee and black/grey tea pleas. Try to have a hot bath everyday to help the blood circulate quicker and hot water will help to heal pain.

Anyway I have found some books about healing herbs that I was collecting when I was younger so if you are in the same pain during the period as me follow my instructions and I hope that it will help you 🙂

These herbs are the best to make tea when you are expecting your period

Agnus Cactus

agnus cactus








Parsley – for watery/huge belly



More about herbs in the next column 🙂

Have a nice treatment 🙂 I am going to sleep in hot bath

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