Step 2 – No Junk Please !

What does it mean JUNK or JUNKY FOOD ? Well put simply it is everything unhealthy without vitamins and minerals, which is usualy sweet, salty, gummy, baked, fried, greasy … Or for better explanation I’ll try pictures:

junk junk2

So this is JUNK!

A model should eat the right opposite coz the body is what makes the cash flow. You gotta take care of your skin, hair, nails, shape, curves etc. coz without a perfect body you ain’t get a job confirmed! You should know that.

This is my lunch which is loaded with vitamins and energy of corse! Not to mention that for breakfast I had fresh apple juice and tofu  vegan baguette!

Dried tomatoes, olives and grape leaves I got from a GREEK CORNER which is located at Letna – then I grabbed some yellow pepper, tomatoes and cellery sticks from a veggie grocery, crunchy whole wheat bread and Soyaneza from a local BIO SHOP

Take a look and when you are around Letna, you should visit these stores!

PS: if you like Sicilian and Italian cousine here you should step in!




crunchy bread

Enjoy !

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