Apply now for modeling

Dear readers,

I have started this blog coz I can see lot of models don’t know how to eat right. Some of them are our models as well so for me it was easier to make a blog for them to read and then understand how to get yourself in shape without starving.

If it is you outhere who would like to become a model and work with us – 2W Scout & 2W Studio you can apply now. Just write us an email on : or send me a private msg at Facebook. It won’t kill you I swear 🙂

You can find our work and our girls right here :

Please send us your measurements and height along with your portrait picture. Then we will arrange a meeting to see you personally 🙂












Veggies veggies veggies

Dear models here is some example how I cook and eat which is healthy as hell. Salads are not everything what you can eat, sometimes is good to cook yourself nice warm dish made of veggies and spicies. I do not use salt, nstead of it I use soya sauce and loads of spices.

Today I made myself a nice dish consisted of : zuchinni, sweet potatoes which I grated, fresh parsley, garlic, lemon juice, corn, chicory, carrots, parsley roots, fresh rosemary, black pepper, chilly peppers, olive oil, ginger and indian curry sauce I found in my refrigurator. It is good to grade the sweet potatoe coz the sweet taste is then even better. I was cooking it 10 or 15 mnutes max. And then I served it very yummy and warm. Enjoy.






Don’t avoid breakfast & watch the industry ;)


Basically everyday, you should start with breakfast. If you don’t then try to change it ASAP. Coz this meal is the most important of the whole day and you can either enjoy some sweet treat coz your body can burn added sugar quicker than in afternoon. So if you are a chocoholic, add some chocolate into your oatmeal or meal you serve yourself when you wake up 🙂 Lot of people forget abou breakfast, but please do not be one of them.

Today I’m very quick, coz we have been dealing with some very important serious things these days, so I could not be bloggin like I’d loved to. BUT if you are interested in what the modeling industry is all about and would like to know more I reccomend you to watch these movies or episodes and maybe some of you will be pushed forward and some will be pulled back behind .. coz modeling is not for everybody 🙂

Have a nice one








The Model Scouts

Models Scouts ( IMG Models ) TV series





Step 5 – cook yourself at home if it is possible

Hi everybody,

I was kinda bussy these days, but I did not forget to cook myself yummy dishes. Yesterday I started my day with apple juice of course and then for lunch I had some stewed veggies. For my dinner time I had fresh green salad with tuna. Cannot remember the recipe so I’ll just post some pics.

apple juiceeee



stewed veg


green salad with tuna



Today got lovely veggie-fruit juice made of carrot, tangerine, cellery stick, ginger and pear. And of course home made oatmeal made of oat, raisins and nuts. Then we went for a long walk with our crazy dog, coz u know it is good to have some fresh air everyday 🙂 For lunch I made myself delicious meal of eggplant, carrot, garlic, ginger, seeds, fennel, jalapenos spice, black pepper, parsley, lemon, rice oil and leek. All of the ingredients I stired with soya granule. For lil bit of salty taste I added soya sauce instead of salt.

Home made oatmeal




Vegan lunch




























To keep yourself in shape, u gotta realise what you put in your (model’s) mouth girls! Now I gotta get back to work and to relax a bit while retouching the pics I’m gonna pour myself a glass of dry white wine definitely 🙂

Have a nice evening and I hope I’ll post something easy breezy tomorrow

With love


Step 4 – know your period

Dear readers, if there are any :/ I would like to point out that we are women or to be women ! And there is a pretty annoying thing that is too womanISH – period ! Some of you are lucky that they don’t even feel that something’s happenin’, some of you have little pain in lower part of belly but some of you can scratch the walls of a toilet or room for hours and days and still feel the great, agressive, neverending pain. Almost like dying.

And the pain is far away from the end! There is headache, nerves and blowing watery belly. Does any of you look like a pregnant women during those days? If yes I got some ideas.

If you are a model and have this kinda period that you cannot even go for a casting coz of the pain and huge belly the best thing for you is simply not to eat 😦 Period is here to vanish all toxines that we have in our bodies and try to clean the body itself. All the toxins go away along with the blood stream. So if you’d like to make it lil more easier try to drink the best tea for women, herbal tea and no coffee and black/grey tea pleas. Try to have a hot bath everyday to help the blood circulate quicker and hot water will help to heal pain.

Anyway I have found some books about healing herbs that I was collecting when I was younger so if you are in the same pain during the period as me follow my instructions and I hope that it will help you 🙂

These herbs are the best to make tea when you are expecting your period

Agnus Cactus

agnus cactus








Parsley – for watery/huge belly



More about herbs in the next column 🙂

Have a nice treatment 🙂 I am going to sleep in hot bath

Step 3 – drink good water not sodas !

If some of you don’t know what soda means in American English, here you are : Soda is not what we mean in CR or SR as this :


In America soda means this :

soda2This is devil in liquid form and makes our bodies fat. The best option to avoid this sodas is to replace them with lemon or cucumber water, tea, fresh juices and mineral waters from spa or mountain water of course. These bottles of soda consist of pretty much sugar and chemicals. If you like your body and want to make your way to get skinny easier you’d rather stop drinkin’ it.

It is very similar with drinking juice from a supermarket, especially the cheapset option. Get yourself a juice maker and you will save money and additional sugar, last but not least you will save your body!


apple juice

lipton tea

PS: if you are a tea lover try some brands which are not testing on animals, Lipton used to do this, but it has changed and you can sip it happily without a doubt 🙂


Have a nice Sunday


Step 2 – No Junk Please !

What does it mean JUNK or JUNKY FOOD ? Well put simply it is everything unhealthy without vitamins and minerals, which is usualy sweet, salty, gummy, baked, fried, greasy … Or for better explanation I’ll try pictures:

junk junk2

So this is JUNK!

A model should eat the right opposite coz the body is what makes the cash flow. You gotta take care of your skin, hair, nails, shape, curves etc. coz without a perfect body you ain’t get a job confirmed! You should know that.

This is my lunch which is loaded with vitamins and energy of corse! Not to mention that for breakfast I had fresh apple juice and tofu  vegan baguette!

Dried tomatoes, olives and grape leaves I got from a GREEK CORNER which is located at Letna – then I grabbed some yellow pepper, tomatoes and cellery sticks from a veggie grocery, crunchy whole wheat bread and Soyaneza from a local BIO SHOP

Take a look and when you are around Letna, you should visit these stores!

PS: if you like Sicilian and Italian cousine here you should step in!




crunchy bread

Enjoy !

Day 2 & Day 3

CrystalRennFrenchVogueHi guys,

I’m back in Prague so I’ll put those 2 days of detox in one post ( it is almost like Twix chocolate bar 😉 ). For the day 2 I had been drinkin lot of water, coz my mom doesn’t have a juice maker! Damn! And my dog ate green tea leaves! So I was drinking blueberry and cranberry tea with lemon water. Lemon water without sugar of course, not as we are used to drink when we visit out granny. My granny loves to do lemon water for me 🙂 Hope yours too!

And day 3 I was actually freaking out coz once again if I were at home in Prague I could make some nice juices and stuff, but there – at my mum’s place of , just water and tea !!!!! Oh I could kill for an apple juice.

But I survived! And I’m back on track for my vegan delicious yummy eating. I’ll post some recipes very soon, maybe tonight, but right now I gotta run and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

If you got any questions, ask !

With love


Day 1

i-love-coffee-wallpaper_422_80528I had a coffee in the morning, obviously, bad me .. But before the coffee I was sipping a gallon of warm water! Then I had herbal tea, water, herbal tea, water … I am stayin’ at my mum’s place in Slovakia & she ain’t got any juice maker, I gotta survive without it. I made myself tomato soup from tomato juice that my grandma does every summer! It was dilicious. But, my mother has decided to make a stew veggie for me and explaining her that I’m liquid positive for like 3 or 5 days it is not worthy!

I’ve made up my mind and decided to stir and mix this veggie junk together in a hot water of course and make another soup ( of tomatoes, zuchinni, onions and garlic ) ! When you add a lot of water to boil it will get more watery obviously 😉 so bring it on !

And the last thing I cannot forget, I failed myself an hour ago, I had a shot of Havanna Rum ! Coz of my nerves shaking and for my stomach, coz sometimes the best healer for a digestion is a little shot of a good spirit 🙂

Have a nice one !

First Step : DETOX


OK so let’s face it: first of all if you wanna start burning the calories and loosing weight you gotta clean up that mess u got in your digestion system & “digestion tubes”. Some says the “tube shower” is very effective, but from my personal ehm experience, you don’t want this, you want this only when you are seriously sick and stuffed!

You will not burn those carbs any better if you’ll have a dirty stomach and tubes! An remebmer the cancer! The best thing to avoid colon cancer is to wash all the “shit” out!

OK so this is the colon cancer, take a look



I bet hell yeah!

OK, so there is one word that you gotta learn and it is D E T O X !

The best is to drink only liquid from at least 3 days, maximum 10 days. Juices !!!!!!!! Fresh juices, not the bought ones from a supermarket’s sale !

Let me introduce you your majesty : beet-root, seabuckthorn, sauerkratut, apple, cellery, spinach, cucumber, cranberries





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Fresh-Cranberries gardening-graphics_1069316a

All of these yummy things above are great antioxidants. You can make juices or smoothies of ’em. Drink ’em 3 times a day, in th morning, then at noon and then in the evening. Between the juices you gotta drink gallons of water or green/white/herbal tea! No suggar additions!!!!! You can also make a lemon or cucumber water which is amazingly refreshing especially in summer, which is knocking on door very soon 😀

Anyway, if you got a good will, you shoul stay liquid positive at least 3 days. Maximum 10, but please, when your body is crawling after the day 7 get your self a soup !

Above all, this is called detoxication period for a reason.

If you will fail, nevermind, you’ll give it a try next week, shit happens. Oh, and I’ve almost forgotten, the best place to buy those juices is DM Drugstore, well if you don’t have a juice maker, you can grab some from a store.

I am starting mine tomorrow, so if you want you can join me and share your moods, nightmares of talking fridge, pink elephants in front your eyes and music in your belly 🙂 amen – empty stomach, but you will see, your body will thank you you and you will feel even better !

So, I got my detox till at least Friday, maybe Sunday. If you got any questions, you can comment, ask privatly or what so ever.

Have a nice one

I’m gonna grab my wine before it is midnigth.